Here at ProBattle, we have common sense rules. Anyone intelligent enough to register on a forum knows how to interact with other people without being a jackass.
The rules are there for basic guidelines for you, not the specifics for how our moderation must be. There are no loopholes in the rules. Our moderators are trusted to keep our forum in working condition for everyone to use as a tool for communication.
That being said, if a moderator sees something that they feel shouldn't be there, we have our infraction system.
An infraction is a recorded "smack on the wrist" for doing something you shouldn't have. For each infraction, you get a point on your account. Points have an expiration period where they no longer count, usually 10-30 days.
Three points = 1 day temporary ban.
Five points = 5 day temporary ban.
For every point that you get after five points = 30 day temporary ban.
There are no loopholes or red tape. Don't try to act like an attorney on us, because we don't care if one other person in Kazakhstan thinks that your post isn't spam or your mother lets you look at porn. We aren't your mother, and we don't have to agree with you.
Forum policy should never be discussed publicly. Any questions or concerns about about the infraction system or forum rules should be sent via PM to a moderator or administrator.